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Advice for if you are feeling lonely

If you are feeling lonely or isolated, there are many social activities that you may like to try. For example, look for local classes such as dance, art, exercise. There will be various groups in your area that you may like to join, you could always ask a friend to go with you for moral support. Think about your interests, for example, if you enjoy gardening, look for local gardening groups or if you like to read, join a book club.

Simple things such as going for a walk and seeing others around you, saying hello to people or having a general conversation with the cashier, will help you feel less isolated. 

You may also be interested in using Age UK’s befriending services, please go to www.ageuk.org.uk for further information. 

It is important that you try to keep in contact with your friends and family. Arrange a time to call or meet them, invite them round for a cup of tea or even one of the activities mentioned above, as you may find they have been feeling the same way. 
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